
Convert CSV to JSONFG

Use this tool to convert CSV to JSONFG with various options such as Geometry Type, Projections, Line Separator, etc.

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Check out other conversions from CSV

What is CSV?

A CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file is a plain text file format used to store tabular data, such as spreadsheets or databases. In a CSV file, each line represents a row of data, and each field within a row is separated by a delimiter, usually a comma, although other delimiters like semicolons or tabs may also be used.

The basic structure of a CSV file is as follows:

  • Each record is represented by a new line.
  • Fields within a record are separated by a delimiter (typically a comma, semicolon, or tab).
  • If a field contains the delimiter character, it is often enclosed in quotation marks.

CSV files are widely used for data exchange between different applications and systems due to their simplicity and compatibility with various platforms and software tools. They are commonly used for tasks such as importing/exporting data from/to spreadsheets, databases, and other software applications.

What is JSONFG?

JSONFG stands for "JavaScript Object Notation Function Graph". It's a custom file format used to represent a directed graph structure where nodes are functions or operations, and edges represent data flow between these functions. JSONFG is inspired by JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) but is tailored specifically for representing computational workflows or pipelines in a structured manner.

In JSONFG files, you'll typically find:

  1. Nodes: Each node represents a function or operation in the computational workflow. These nodes can have attributes like a unique identifier, the function name, input parameters, output parameters, etc.
  2. Edges: Edges connect nodes and represent the flow of data between them. They indicate how the output of one function is used as input for another function.
  3. Metadata: JSONFG files may contain additional metadata describing the computational workflow, such as the author, creation date, or any other relevant information.

JSONFG files are used in applications where there's a need to define complex computational workflows or data processing pipelines in a structured and standardized format. They can be parsed and interpreted by software tools to execute the defined workflows.

Overall, JSONFG files provide a way to represent computational processes in a clear, human-readable, and machine-interpretable format, facilitating automation and reproducibility in data processing tasks.