
Convert CSV to KML

Use this tool to convert CSV to KML with various options such as Geometry Type, Projections, Line Separator, etc.

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What is CSV?

A CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file is a plain text file format used to store tabular data, such as spreadsheets or databases. In a CSV file, each line represents a row of data, and each field within a row is separated by a delimiter, usually a comma, although other delimiters like semicolons or tabs may also be used.

The basic structure of a CSV file is as follows:

  • Each record is represented by a new line.
  • Fields within a record are separated by a delimiter (typically a comma, semicolon, or tab).
  • If a field contains the delimiter character, it is often enclosed in quotation marks.

CSV files are widely used for data exchange between different applications and systems due to their simplicity and compatibility with various platforms and software tools. They are commonly used for tasks such as importing/exporting data from/to spreadsheets, databases, and other software applications.

What is KML?

A KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file is an XML-based file format used for representing geographic data in three-dimensional earth browsers, such as Google Earth, Google Maps, and various GIS software. KML files can contain a variety of spatial data types, including points, lines, polygons, images, and text annotations, allowing users to visualize and interact with geospatial information.

Here's a breakdown of the key components typically found in a KML file:

  1. Document Structure: The root element of a KML file is <kml> which contains the <Document> element. Inside the <Document> element, you can include various elements representing geographical features.
  2. Geographical Features: KML supports different types of geographical features such as:
    • <Placemark>: Represents a single point, line, or polygon feature.
    • <Point>: Represents a single point.
    • <LineString>: Represents a sequence of connected line segments.
    • <Polygon>: Represents a closed shape with three or more sides.
    • <GroundOverlay>: Represents an image overlay draped onto the ground.
    • <ScreenOverlay>: Represents an image overlay fixed to the screen.
    • <NetworkLink>: Allows the inclusion of content from the web.
  3. Styling: KML allows styling of features using <Style> elements. Styles can define attributes such as color, line width, and icon images.
  4. Metadata: KML files can contain metadata such as name, description, and custom properties associated with each feature.
  5. Hierarchy: KML files can be organized in a hierarchical structure. Features can be grouped within folders using the <Folder> element.

Overall, a KML file provides a structured way to represent geographic data along with associated metadata and styling information, making it widely used for sharing and visualizing spatial information across different platforms and applications.